
1. Chronological list of all work

2. Selected work by publication type

3. Publications in the repository of Linnaeus University


Chronological list of all work

Golub, K. (2015, April). Evaluation of automated subject indexing and classification. Invited speech presented at the ISKO Italy, Bologna. Slides
Golub, K., Soergel, D., Buchanan, G., Tudhope, D., Hiom, D., & Lykke, M. (2015). A framework for evaluating automatic indexing or classification in the context of retrieval. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
Soergel, D., & Golub, K. (2015). Formal analysis of similarity measures with emphasis on consistency and performance measures in indexing and retrieval. Under revision for Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology.
Golub, K. (2014a, November). Globalization challenges for knowledge organization systems (KOSs). Invited speech presented at the Humanistiska perspektiv på klassifikation, Växjö, Linnaeus University. Slides
Golub, K. (2014b, June). Project methodology in subject-based knowledge organization: Experiences from the UK: Workshop for PhD students. Invited workshop presented at the LIDA -- Libraries in the digital age, Zadar. Slides External link to slides
Golub, K., Lykke, M., & Tudhope, D. (2014). Enhancing social tagging with automated keywords from the Dewey Decimal Classification. Journal of Documentation, 70(5), 801–828. Pre-print
Golub, K. (2014c). Subject access to information: An interdisciplinary approach. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, An Imprint of ABC-CLIO.
Golub, K., Muller, H., & Tonkin, E. (2014). Technologies for metadata extraction. In M.-A. Sicilia (Ed.), Handbook of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (pp. 487–522). Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific. Fulltext link Full text
Golub, K., Tudhope, D., Zeng, M. L., & Zumer, M. (2014). Terminology registries for knowledge organization systems: Functionality, use, and attributes. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(9), 1901–1916. Pre-print
Golub, K. (2013). An overview of UKOLN work related to subject-based knowledge organization. Full-text External link
Miščančuk, M., & Golub, K. (2013). Engleski jezik izborni: Drugi strani jezik početna razina učenja: Nastavni materijali (English language, facultative: Second foreign language, beginner´s level: teaching materials). Čakovec: Međimursko veleučilište u Čakovcu. Full-text External link
Golub, K., & Novak, B. (2013). Engleski kao glavni strani jezik naspram hrvatskoga kao materinjeg (English as the main foreign language versus Croatian as the mother tongue). Zbornik Radova Međimurskog Veleučilišta U Čakovcu, 4(1), 29–35. Full-text
Golub, K., & Knok, Ž. (2013a). Mogućnosti primjene XML-a na sustave za predmetno označavanje (Possibilities of applying XML in knowledge organization systems). Zbornik Radova Međimurskog Veleučilišta U Čakovcu, 4(1), 21–27. Full-text
Golub, K., & Knok, Ž. (2013b). Standard metapodataka za znanstvene podatke CERIF u implementaciji XML-a (XML-based implementation of the CERIF metadata standard for research data). Zbornik Radova Međimurskog Veleučilišta U Čakovcu, 4(2), 49–54. Full-text
Lykke, M., Hoej, A. L., Noergaard Madsen, L., Golub, K., & Tudhope, D. (2012). Tagging behaviour with support from controlled vocabulary. In A. Gilchrist & J. Vernau (Eds.), Facets of Knowledge Organization: Proceedings of the ISKO UK Second Biennial Conference, 4th-5th July, 2011, London (pp. 41–50). Bingley: Emerald. Pre-print
Golub, K. (2011a). Automated subject classification of textual documents in the context of Web-based hierarchical browsing. Knowledge Organization, 3(38), 230–244. Pre-print
Golub, K. (2011c). Knowledge organization systems. External link
Matthews, B., Jones, C., Puzon, B., Moon, J., Tudhope, D., Golub, K., & Lykke, M. (2010). An evaluation of enhancing social tagging with a knowledge organization system. ASLIB Proceedings, 62(4/5), 447–465. Pre-print
Day, M., & Golub, K. (2009, August). Enhancing social tagging with a knowledge organization system. Presented at the IFLA Satellite Meeting “Emerging Trends in Technology: Libraries between Web 2.0, Semantic Web and Search Technology,” Florence. Slides
Golub, K., & Lykke, M. (2009). Automated classification of Web pages in hierarchical browsing. Journal of Documentation, 6(65), 901–925. Pre-print
Golub, K., Jones, C., Lykke Nielsen, M., Matthews, B., Moon, J., & Tudhope, D. (2009). Enhanced Tagging for Discovery (EnTag): Final report. Report External link
Golub, K., Moon, J., Tudhope, D., Jones, C., Matthews, B., Puzon, B., & Lykke Nielsen, M. (2009). EnTag: Enhancing social tagging for discovery. In JCDL’09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries: June 15-19, 2009, Austin, Texas, US (pp. 163–172). New York: Association for Computing Machinery. Preprint
Golub, K., & Tudhope, D. (2009). Terminology Registry Scoping Study (TRSS): Final report. UKOLN. Report
Golub, K. (2008a, September). EnTag: Enhanced Tagging for Discovery. Presented at the Special NKOS Session, International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Berlin. Slides
Golub, K. (2008b, September). TRSS: Terminology registry scoping study. Presented at the ECDL NKOS Workshop, Berlin. Slides External link to slides
Golub, K., Jones, C., Lykke Nielsen, M., Matthews, B., Moon, J., & Tudhope, D. (2008, July). Enhancing social tagging with a knowledge organization system. ALISS, 3(4), 13–16. Preprint
Golub, K. (2008c, February). EnTag. Invited project presentation presented at the JISC MDR SIG, Birkbeck, London. External link mp3
Golub, K., & Tudhope, D. (2008). Delivering a terminology registry. In T. Aparac Jelušić (Ed.), Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia 2-7 June 2008. Dubrovnik and Mljet. Preprint
Golub, K. (2007a, October). A user study of automated hierarchical browsing system. Invited speech presented at the Udviklingstendenser indenfor indeksering og representation, Danmarks Biblioteksskole Koebenhavn. Slides
Golub, K., Hamon, T., & Ardö, A. (2007). Automated classification of textual documents based on a controlled vocabulary in engineering. Knowledge Organization, 34(4), 247–263. Repository link
Golub, K. (2007b). Automated subject classification of textual documents in the context of Web-based hierarchical browsing: PhD thesis. Lund: Department of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University. Repository link
Ardö, A., & Golub, K. (2007). Deliverable D7.2: Focused crawler software package. Full-text
Golub, K. (2006a, November). Evaluation of browsing behaviour and automated subject classification: Examples from KnowLib. Invited speech presented at the SFIS Höstkonferens, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University. Slides
Golub, K. (2006b, April). Subject-based information organization: KnowLib´s findings. Invited speech presented at the LIVA Project Meeting, Lund. Slides
Golub, K. (2006c). Automated subject classification of textual Web documents. Journal of Documentation, 62(3), 350–371. Pre-print
Golub, K. (2006d). Automated subject classification of textual Web pages, based on a controlled vocabulary: Challenges and recommendations. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 12(1), 11–27. Pre-print
Golub, K., Ardö, A., Mladenic, D., & Grobelnik, M. (2006). Comparing and combining two approaches to automated subject classification of text. In J. Gonzalo & et al. (Eds.), Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 10th European Conference, ECDL 2006, Alicante, Spain, September 17-22, 2006: Proceedings (pp. 467–470). Berlin ; New York: Springer. Pre-print Errata
Faletar Tanacković, S., Golub, K., & Levine, E. (2006). Libraries in the digital age 2006: Report from the field. Information Today, July, 28–29. Pre-print
Golub, K. (2006). Controlled-vocabulary based approach to automated subject classification of textual Web pages: application for Doctoral Forum at 1st IIiX symposium, Copenhagen, 17 October 2006. Presented at the IIIX, Copenhagen. Proposal Slides
Golub, K. (2006e). The role of different thesauri terms in automated subject classification of text. In WI-IAT 2006 Workshops Proceedings: 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 18-22 December 2006, Hong Kong, China (pp. 961–965). Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Society. Pre-print Slides
Koch, T., Golub, K., & Ardö, A. (2006). Users browsing behaviour in a DDC-based Web service: A log analysis. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 42(3-4), 163–186. Pre-print
Golub, K. (2005). Automated subject classification of textual Web pages, for browsing: Thesis for the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy, Swedish intermediate degree between Master’s and Doctoral degrees. Lund: Department of Information Technology, Lund University. Full-text Repository link
Lund, H., Larsen, B., Voel Jensen, R. E., Ardö, A., Golub, K., & Ingwersen, P. (2005). Capturing contexts for web filtering in the humanities. In P. Ingwersen, K. Järvelin, N. Belkin, & B. Larsen (Eds.), Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR 2005 Workshop on Information Retrieval in Context (IRiX): Held at the Pestana Bahia Hotel in Salvador, Brazil, 19 August, 2005 (pp. 48–50). Copenhagen: Department of Information Studies, Royal School of Library and Information Science. Pre-print
Golub, K., & Larsen, B. (2005). Different approaches to automated classification: Is there an exchange of ideas? In P. Ingwersen & B. Larsen (Eds.), Proceedings of ISSI 2005 – the 10th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, Stockholm, Sweden, July 24-28, 2005 (Vol. 1, pp. 270–274). Stockholm: Karolinska University Press. Pre-print
Golub, K., & Ardö, A. (2005). Importance of HTML structural elements and metadata in automated subject classification. In A. Rauber, S. Christodoulakis, & A. M. Tjoa (Eds.), Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 9th European Conference, ECDL 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 18-23, 2005: Proceedings (pp. 368–378). Berlin ; New York: Springer. Pre-print
Patel, M., Koch, T., Doerr, M., & Tsinariki, C. (2005). Semantic interoperability in digital library systems (DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, European Union, Sixth Framework Programme. No. Deliverable D5.3.1). Pre-print Published report
Golub, K. (2004a, November). Pristupi automatskoj predmetnoj klasifikaciji tekstualnih Web-stranica (Approaches to automated subject classification of full-text Web documents). Invited speech presented at the 5. Seminar knjižnica visokih učilišta i specijalnih knjižnica, Zagreb. Slides
Ardö, A., & Golub, K. (2004, June). Automatic subject classification and topic specific search engines: Research at KnowLib. Presented at the DELOS Regional Awareness Event “Between Knowledge Organization and the Semantic Web: Semantic Approaches in Digital Libraries,” Lund University. Slides
Koch, T., Ardö, A., & Golub, K. (2004a). Browsing and searching behavior in the Renardus web service: A study based on log analysis. In H. Chen, M. Christel, & E.-P. Lim (Eds.), JCDL 2004: Proceedings of the Fourth ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries: Global Reach and Diverse Impact (pp. 378–378). New York, N.Y.: ACM Press. Pre-print Poster
Levine, E., & Golub, K. (2004). Libraries in the digital age. Information Today, 7(21), 24–25. Pre-print
Koch, T., Ardö, A., & Golub, K. (2004b). Log analysis of user behaviour in the Renardus web service. In T. Aparac Jelušić (Ed.), Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia, 25-29 May 2004: Human Information Behaviour & Competences for Digital Libraries. Dubrovnik and Mljet. Pre-print local Pre-print remote
Nielsen, G. S., & Irvall, B. (2004). Smjernice za knjižnične službe i usluge za osobe s disleksijom (Guidelines for library services to persons with dislexia). (K. Golub, Trans.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo.
Golub, K. (2004b). Using controlled vocabularies in automated subject classification of textual Web pages, in the context of browsing: PhD proposal. IEEE TCDL Bulletin, 2(2). Pre-print
Golub, K., Jelušić, S., Radovanlija-Mileusnić, S., & Pavelić, D. (2003). Eksperimentalna primjena zapisa Dublin Core, ONIX i UNIMARC u elektroničkim knjižarama u Hrvatskoj (Experimental application of Dublin Core, ONIX and UNIMARC metadata at Croatian online bookshops). In I. Šrot & T. Katić (Eds.), 6. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji: Mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture: Zbornik radova (pp. 142–154). Zagreb: Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo. Pre-print
Adcock, E. P. (2003). IFLA-ina načela za skrb i rukovanje knjižničnom građom (IFLA principles for the care and handling of library material). (K. Golub, Trans.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo.
Golub, K. (2003). Predmetno pretraživanje u knjižničnim katalozima s web-sučeljem: Magistarski rad (Subject retrieval in web-based library catalogs: Master degree thesis). University of Zagreb. Pre-print
Faletar, S., Golub, K., & Sudarević, A. (2003). Smjernice za izradu mrežnih stranica školskih knjižnica: Usporedba hrvatskih i stranih primjera (Guidelines for school library web sites: A comparison). In B. Šušnjić, Đ. Franko, & T. de Canziani Jakšić (Eds.), XIV. Proljetna škola školskih knjižničara Republike Hrvatske, Crikvenica 2002 (pp. 75–88). Zagreb: Ministarstvo prosvjete i športa Republike Hrvatske, Zavod za unapređivanje školstva. Pre-print
Golub, K., & Lazić, N. (2002a). Accessibility of public library Web sites. In T. Aparac Jelušić (Ed.), Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), Dubrovnik and Mljet, Croatia 2-7 June 2002: Integrating Information Seeking and Information Services – Practice and Research. Pre-print Published version
Badurina, B., Dragija Ivanović, M., Golub, K., & Pehar, F. (2002). Digitalizacija i nove knjižnične usluge: Radionica (Digitisation and new library services: A workshop). Zagreb. Workshop presented at the Seminar za knjižnice visokih učilišta i znanstvene knjižnice, Zagreb. Slides
Golub, K. (2002). Digital libraries and the blind and visually impaired. Presented at the :, Croatian Academic and Research Network. Pre-print
Lasić-Lazić, J., & Golub, K. (2002). Information and knowledge in the e-learning environment: Aspects of education for all. In M. Čičin-Šain, P. Dragojlović, J. Sunde, & I. Turčić-Prstačić (Eds.), Computers in Education, Croatian Society for Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics - MIPRO (pp. 37–41). Rijeka: Hrvatska udruga za mikroprocesorske, procesne i informacijske sustave, mikroelektroniku i elektroniku – MIPRO HU. Pre-print
Barbarić, A., & Golub, K. (2002). Istraživanje upravljanja WebPAC-om u fakultetskim knjižnicama Sveucilišta u Zagrebu : A survey of WebPAC management in libraries of the University of Zagreb. Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 45(4/3), 93–104. Pre-print
Borgman, C. (2002). Od Gutenbergova izuma do globalnog informacijskog povezivanja: pristup informaciji u umreženom svijetu (From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in a networked world). (K. Golub, Trans.). Lokve: Naklada Benja.
Golub, K., & Matovina, J. (2002). Portali arhiva, knjižnica, muzeja: radionica (Web portals of archives, libraries, museums: A workshop). In M. Willer & T. Katić (Eds.), 5. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji: Mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture: Zbornik radova (pp. 244–252). Zagreb: Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo. Pre-print
Golub, K., & Lazić, N. (2002b). Pristupačnost mrežnih stranica hrvatskih narodnih knjižnica (Accessibility of Croatian public library Web sites). Edupoint, 2(8). Pre-print
Afrić, V., Lasić-Lazić, J., Badurina, B., Dragija Ivanović, M., & Golub, K. (2002). Qualifications of information specialists: A case of library and information students at the Department of Information Science, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb, Croatia. In B. Badovinac (Ed.), Human Beings and Information Specialists: Future Skills, Qualifications, Positioning: Proceedings: 10th International BOBCATSSS Symposium on Library and Information Science, Slovenia - Portorož, January 28 - 30, 2002 (pp. 232–240). Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts, Dept. of Library and Information Science and Book Studies. Pre-print
Golub, K., & Ravnić, R. (2002). Resource Description Format - RDF. In M. Willer & T. Katić (Eds.), 5. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji: Mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture: Zbornik radova (pp. 90–99). Zagreb: Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo.
Badurina, B., Dragija Ivanović, M., Gabriel, D.-M., Golub, K., Lazić, N., & Ravnić, R. (2001). Digital collection for blind and visually impaired people. In T. Aparac Jelušić (Ed.), Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA), Dubrovnik, Croatia 23-27 May 2001: The Internet: Ethics and Legal Issues: Information Services - Practice and Research. Slides link Slides local
Golub, K. (2001a). Gordon Dunsire: razgovarali smo. HKD Novosti, (15). Link to the whole issue
Gabriel, D.-M., & Golub, K. (2001). Library services for users with special needs: The state of affairs in the Croatian capital and plans for the future. In A. Antanaityté (Ed.), OPEN 2001: Knowledge, Information and Democracy in the Open Society: The Role of the Library and Information Sector, Proceedings of the 9th International BOBCATSSS Symposium on Library and Information Science, Vilnius University, Vilnius Lithuania, January 29-31, 2001 (pp. 101–105). Vilnius: Faculty of Communications. Pre-print
Gabriel, D.-M., Golub, Koraljka, & Lazić, N. (2001). Mogućnosti primjene digitalnih izvora informacija za slijepe i slabovidne osobe (Potential of digital information for the visually impaired). In M. Willer & T. Katić (Eds.), 4. seminar Arhivi, knjižnice, muzeji: Mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture: Zbornik radova (pp. 206–208). Zagreb: Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo. Pre-print
Golub, K. (2001b). Rafael Capurro: informacijska etika i izdavaštvo na Internetu (Interview with Rafael Capurro: Information ethics and publishing on the Internet). HKD Novosti, 18, 2–3. Link to the whole issue
Erdelez, S., & Golub, K. (2001). Using the Internet in international educational activities: A case study. In 3rd CARNet Users Conference - CUC 2001: Conference Proceedings. Zagreb: CARNet. Published paper link. Pre-print
Badurina, B., Dragija, M., Golub, Koraljka, Pehar, Franjo, & Vrana, R. (2000, May). Text and image digitisation: General overview of terminology and technology of digitisation. Workshop presented at the Libraries in the digital age, Dubrovnik.
Badurina, B., Dragija, M., & Golub, K. (2000). Akcija “Internet u knjižnice” i “Knjižnice na Internet” (Action “Internet into libraries” and “Libraries on the Internet”). Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 43(4), 185–196. Pre-print
Golub, K. (2000). Dictionary of Internet terms (Bachelor thesis). University of Zagreb. Full text
Badurina, B., Baričević, Z., Dragija, M., Golub, K., Stipetić, T., & Zlodi, G. (2000). Digitalizacija građe: radionica (Workshop on digitization). In M. Willer & T. Katić (Eds.), 2. i 3. Seminar Arhivi, Knjižnice, Muzeji: Mogućnosti suradnje u okruženju globalne informacijske infrastrukture: Zbornik radova (pp. 254–257). Zagreb: Hrvatsko muzejsko društvo. Pre-print
Buckland, M. (2000). Preoblikovanje knjižničnih službi i usluga: program (Redesigning library services: A manifesto). (K. Golub, Trans.). Lokve: Naklada Benja.
Bakran, J., Gabriel, D.-M., Golub, K., & Lazić, N. (2000). Reading rights. In J. Banke (Ed.), Access 2000: Intellectual Property vs. the Right to Knowledge?: Proceedings of the 8th International BOBCATSSS Symposium on Library and Information Science, Jagiellonian University Krakow, Poland, January 24th-26th 2000 (pp. 1–5). Copenhagen: Royal School of Library and Information Science.
Vrana, R., Badurina, B., & Golub, K. (1999). Advantages and disadvantages of use of digital collections in the process of education. In S. Beheim, S. Cradock, E. Dächert, & S. Pfurr (Eds.), Learning Society, Learning Organisation, Lifelong Learning: Proceedings of the 7th International BOBCATSSS-Symposium, 25th-27th January 1999, Bratislava, Slovak Republic (pp. 484–495). Darmstadt: Fachhochschule Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences, Dept. of Information Science. Full text

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Selected work by publication type

A Books and book chapters

Golub, K. (2014). Subject access to information: An interdisciplinary approach. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, AN IMPRINT OF ABC-CLIO.

Golub, K., Muller, H., & Tonkin, E. (2014). Technologies for metadata extraction. In M.-A. Sicilia (Ed.), Handbook of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (pp. 487–522). Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific. Fulltext link Full text

Miščančuk, M., & Golub, K. (2013). Engleski jezik izborni: Drugi strani jezik početna razina učenja: Nastavni materijali (English language, facultative: Second foreign language, beginner´s level: teaching materials). Čakovec: Međimursko veleučilište u Čakovcu.Golub, K., Muller, H., & Tonkin, E. (2014). Technologies for metadata extraction. In M.-A. Sicilia (Ed.), Handbook of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (pp. 487–522). Hackensack, N.J.: World Scientific. Fulltext link

A1 Theses published as books

Golub, K. (2007). Automated subject classification of textual documents in the context of Web-based hierarchical browsing: PhD thesis. Lund: Department of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University. Fulltext link

Golub, K. (2005). Automated subject classification of textual Web pages, for browsing: Thesis for the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy, Swedish intermediate degree between Master’s and Doctoral degrees. Lund: Department of Information Technology, Lund University. Fulltext link

A2 Translations

Nielsen, G. S., & Irvall, B. (2004). Smjernice za knjižnične službe i usluge za osobe s disleksijom (Guidelines for library services to persons with dislexia). (K. Golub, Trans.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo.

Adcock, E. P. (2003). IFLA-ina načela za skrb i rukovanje knjižničnom građom (IFLA principles for the care and handling of library material). (K. Golub, Trans.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo.

Borgman, C. (2002). Od Gutenbergova izuma do globalnog informacijskog povezivanja: pristup informaciji u umreženom svijetu (From Gutenberg to the global information infrastructure: access to information in a networked world). (K. Golub, Trans.). Lokve: Naklada Benja.

Buckland, M. (2000). Preoblikovanje knjižničnih službi i usluga: program (Redesigning library services: A manifesto). (K. Golub, Trans.). Lokve: Naklada Benja.

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B Refereed journal papers

Golub, K., Soergel, D., Buchanan, G., Tudhope, D., Hiom, D., & Lykke, M. (2015). A framework for evaluating automatic indexing or classification in the context of retrieval. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Fulltext link

Golub, K., Lykke, M., & Tudhope, D. (2014). Enhancing social tagging with automated keywords from the Dewey Decimal Classification. Journal of Documentation, 70(5), 801–828. Fulltext link

Golub, K., Tudhope, D., Zeng, M. L., & Zumer, M. (2014). Terminology registries for knowledge organization systems: Functionality, use, and attributes. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(9), 1901–1916. Fulltext link Full text

Golub, K., & Novak, B. (2013). Engleski kao glavni strani jezik naspram hrvatskoga kao materinjeg (English as the main foreign language versus Croatian as the mother tongue). Zbornik Radova Međimurskog Veleučilišta U Čakovcu, 4(1), 29–35. Fulltext link

Golub, K., & Knok, Ž. (2013a). Mogućnosti primjene XML-a na sustave za predmetno označavanje (Possibilities of applying XML in knowledge organization systems). Zbornik Radova Međimurskog Veleučilišta U Čakovcu, 4(1), 21–27. Fulltext link

Golub, K., & Knok, Ž. (2013b). Standard metapodataka za znanstvene podatke CERIF u implementaciji XML-a (XML-based implementation of the CERIF metadata standard for research data). Zbornik Radova Međimurskog Veleučilišta U Čakovcu, 4(2), 49–54. Fulltext link

Golub, K. (2011). Automated subject classification of textual documents in the context of Web-based hierarchical browsing. Knowledge Organization, 3(38), 230–244. Fulltext link

Matthews, B., Jones, C., Puzon, B., Moon, J., Tudhope, D., Golub, K., & Lykke, M. (2010). An evaluation of enhancing social tagging with a knowledge organization system. ASLIB Proceedings, 62(4/5), 447–465. Fulltext link

Golub, K., & Lykke, M. (2009). Automated classification of Web pages in hierarchical browsing. Journal of Documentation, 6(65), 901–925. Fulltext link

Golub, K., Hamon, T., & Ardö, A. (2007). Automated classification of textual documents based on a controlled vocabulary in engineering. Knowledge Organization, 34(4), 247–263. Preprint

Golub, K. (2006a). Automated subject classification of textual Web documents. Journal of Documentation, 62(3), 350–371. Fulltext link

Golub, K. (2006b). Automated subject classification of textual Web pages, based on a controlled vocabulary: Challenges and recommendations. New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, 12(1), 11–27. Fulltext link

Koch, T., Golub, K., & Ardö, A. (2006). Users browsing behaviour in a DDC-based Web service: A log analysis. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 42(3-4), 163–186. Fulltext link

Barbarić, A., & Golub, K. (2002). Istraživanje upravljanja WebPAC-om u fakultetskim knjižnicama Sveucilišta u Zagrebu : A survey of WebPAC management in libraries of the University of Zagreb. Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 45(4/3), 93–104. Fulltext link

Golub, K., & Lazić, N. (2002). Pristupačnost mrežnih stranica hrvatskih narodnih knjižnica (Accessibility of Croatian public library Web sites). Edupoint, 2(8). Fulltext link

Badurina, B., Dragija, M., & Golub, K. (2000). Akcija “Internet u knjižnice” i “Knjižnice na Internet” (Action “Internet into libraries” and “Libraries on the Internet”). Vjesnik Bibliotekara Hrvatske, 43(4), 185–196. Fulltext link

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C Refereed conference papers

Lykke, M., Hoej, A. L., Noergaard Madsen, L., Golub, K., & Tudhope, D. (2012). Tagging behaviour with support from controlled vocabulary. In A. Gilchrist & J. Vernau (Eds.), Facets of Knowledge Organization: Proceedings of the ISKO UK Second Biennial Conference, 4th-5th July, 2011, London (pp. 41–50). Bingley: Emerald. Golub, K., Moon, J., Tudhope, D., Jones, C., Matthews, B., Puzon, B., & Lykke Nielsen, M. (2009). EnTag: Enhancing social tagging for discovery. In JCDL’09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries: June 15-19, 2009, Austin, Texas, US (pp. 163–172). New York: Association for Computing Machinery. Fulltext link

Golub, K., Ardö, A., Mladenic, D., & Grobelnik, M. (2006). Comparing and combining two approaches to automated subject classification of text. In J. Gonzalo & et al. (Eds.), Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 10th European Conference, ECDL 2006, Alicante, Spain, September 17-22, 2006: Proceedings (pp. 467–470). Berlin ; New York: Springer. Preprint

Golub, K. (2006). The role of different thesauri terms in automated subject classification of text. In WI-IAT 2006 Workshops Proceedings: 2006 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 18-22 December 2006, Hong Kong, China (pp. 961–965). Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE Computer Society. Slides Publisher´s fulltext

Lund, H., Larsen, B., Voel Jensen, R. E., Ardö, A., Golub, K., & Ingwersen, P. (2005). Capturing contexts for web filtering in the humanities. In P. Ingwersen, K. Järvelin, N. Belkin, & B. Larsen (Eds.), Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR 2005 Workshop on Information Retrieval in Context (IRiX): Held at the Pestana Bahia Hotel in Salvador, Brazil, 19 August, 2005 (pp. 48–50). Copenhagen: Department of Information Studies, Royal School of Library and Information Science. Fulltext link

Golub, K., & Larsen, B. (2005). Different approaches to automated classification: Is there an exchange of ideas? In P. Ingwersen & B. Larsen (Eds.), Proceedings of ISSI 2005 – the 10th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, Stockholm, Sweden, July 24-28, 2005 (Vol. 1, pp. 270–274). Stockholm: Karolinska University Press. Fulltext link

Golub, K., & Ardö, A. (2005). Importance of HTML structural elements and metadata in automated subject classification. In A. Rauber, S. Christodoulakis, & A. M. Tjoa (Eds.), Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 9th European Conference, ECDL 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 18-23, 2005: Proceedings (pp. 368–378). Berlin ; New York: Springer. Preprint

Koch, T., Ardö, A., & Golub, K. (2004). Browsing and searching behavior in the Renardus web service: A study based on log analysis. In H. Chen, M. Christel, & E.-P. Lim (Eds.), JCDL 2004: Proceedings of the Fourth ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries: Global Reach and Diverse Impact (pp. 378–378). New York, N.Y.: ACM Press. Fulltext link

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D Invited talks

Golub, K. (2015, April). Evaluation of automated subject indexing and classification. Invited speech presented at the ISKO Italy, Bologna. Slides link

Golub, K. (2014a, November). Globalization challenges for knowledge organization systems (KOSs). Invited speech presented at the Humanistiska perspektiv på klassifikation, Växjö, Linnaeus University. Slides link

Golub, K. (2014b, June). Project methodology in subject-based knowledge organization: Experiences from the UK: Workshop for PhD students. Invited workshop presented at the LIDA -- Libraries in the digital age, Zadar. Slides link

Golub, K. (2008, February). EnTag. Invited project presentation presented at the JISC MDR SIG, Birkbeck, London. Slides link

Golub, K. (2007, October). A user study of automated hierarchical browsing system. Invited speech presented at the Udviklingstendenser indenfor indeksering og representation, Danmarks Biblioteksskole Koebenhavn. Slides

Golub, K. (2006a, November). Evaluation of browsing behaviour and automated subject classification: Examples from KnowLib. Invited speech presented at the SFIS Höstkonferens, Campus Helsingborg, Lund University. Slides

Golub, K. (2006b, April). Subject-based information organization: KnowLib´s findings. Invited speech presented at the LIVA Project Meeting, Lund. Slides

Golub, K. (2004, November). Pristupi automatskoj predmetnoj klasifikaciji tekstualnih Web-stranica (Approaches to automated subject classification of full-text Web documents). Invited speech presented at the 5. Seminar knjižnica visokih učilišta i specijalnih knjižnica, Zagreb. Slides

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Last modified: 13 Nov 2019

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Dr. Koraljka Golub

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OrcidID: 0000-0003-4169-4777