Dr. Koraljka Golub
Koraljka Golub is the head of the iSchool at Linnaeus University, iInstitute. She is also co-leading a Digital Humanities Initative at Linnaeus University. Her core research is in the field of digital libraries and information retrieval, with particular focus on topics related to knowledge organization, integrating existing knowledge organization systems with social tagging and/or automated subject indexing, and evaluating resulting end-user information retrieval.
Three of her major research projects from the past are:
EASTER which dealt with evaluation of algorithms for automated subject classification and indexing in the context of information retrieval;
EnTag, on the potential of combining social tagging with Dewey Decimal Classification and Library of Congress Subject Headings; and,
TRSS, a scoping study of terminology registries for UK further and higher education needs.
She works as an associate professor at the Department of Library and Information Science, School of Cultural Sciences, Linnaeus University. She also serves as an adjunct at the School of Information Studies, Charles Sturt University, Australia. For over five years in the recent past she worked as an information science researcher at UKOLN, University of Bath, United Kingdom.
Her educational background covers technology, social sciences and humanities. In 2007 she obtained her doctoral degree from the Department of Information Technology, Lund University, Sweden, on the topic of automated subject classification. Her earlier degrees are from the Department of Information Sciences and the Department of English, University of Zagreb, Croatia.
Address: Department of Library and Information Science, School of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Linnaeus University | 351 95 Växjö | Sweden | Tel: +46 (0) 470 708909 | Fax: +46 (0) 470 751888
Visiting Address: LNU, Campus Växjö, F-huset, Room H325

Contact Information
LinkedIn: profile page
ResearchGate: profile page
GoogleScholar: profile page
OrcidID: 0000-0003-4169-4777